A (Moving) Merry Christmas: Make a stop motion GIF (telling a story through multiple photographs of objects / quick succession photographs of a narrative). Some instructions on making GIF’s in Photoshop can be found here
Once Upon a Time (at Christmas); Devise a Christmas story / use christmas carol lyrics and illustrate this narrative in 6 photographs (individually or as a group) to create a narrative. Make a handmade book and add text.
Diane Arbus (1963) Xmas tree in Living Room, Levittown L.I.
session overview:
Participants will find / take a straight photograph of a ‘typical’ Christmas scene *this could be a constructed family portrait
Shoot the scene in parts / use Photoshop or a photocopier to enlarge different aspects / areas of the scene
Collage these photographs together into a grid or joiner *Scale is an important consideration here
Re-photograph and print
suggested output: christmas print
Georges Braque (1910-1912) Bottle and Fishes
Additional activity ideas:
Dual Christmas: Find a photograph / image of a typical Christmas scene / object and take a photograph to make the ‘another half of the scene’ *This could be expanded to consider scale and additional collage in creating the ‘scene’
Merry Christmas from Me: Make a collage of a Christmas scene using found photographs / Christmas cards / objects / or draw a scene on the ground. Using yourself (either photograph yourself or use your shadow etc) position yourself ‘into’ the scene.
Participants will brainstorm and list typical Christmas scenes and objects *use Christmas cards etc for ideas
Identify objects that could be ‘transformed’ into the scene though drawing / painting / placing cut outs on the image *Image manipulation software would also work here
Print to size and make into small Christmas decorations (using cardboard / wood slices / cup coasters and string)
suggested output: Chrismas decorations
Additional activity ideas:
A Christmas Scene: Using christmas cards, cut out the shapes of different objects and make a ‘new’ photogram / lumen Christmas story
Pinhole Christmas: Make a Pinhole camera. Use the resulting images to think of Christmas scenes you could ‘make’ from them by painting / drawing on them.
Participants will ‘light write’ / trace a portrait / object / scene / message which they feel relates to Christmas
Practice Light Writing techniques
Identify participants choice of approach / subject / message
In small groups participants help each other produce thier image
Print and make into Christmas cards (using A4 folded card)
suggested output: christmas cards
Barbara Morgan (1940) Pure Energy and Neurotic Man
Additional activity ideas:
The Travels of Rudolph: Using Google Maps identify locations and make light writing pictures of the best present he is dropping off at this location. Why?
Class / Family Message: With one letter per ‘model’ each traces out the letter of the message (e.g. Merry Christmas will need 14 ‘models’ and a photographer) *this can also be done with 1 ‘model’ and stitched together using Photoshop or as a multiple exposure.
Every day – for 12 days – participants will photograph an object / create a scene which they feel relates to a Christmas heading / captiion / song etc.
These should be provided in advance (with dates) and participants should concentrate on one ‘caption / quote’ for each day.
These can be mixed up amongst a class group / more than one participant can work on the daily ‘caption’ at one time.
Participants should independently research the work of Lee Friedlander – Merry Christmas from Lee Friedlander (2011) at the Janet Borden Gallery, NYC.
Upload daily to Instagram / Twitter / social media platform
Coca Cola (1931)
some Example Christmas captions to work from:
All I Want for Christmas
Tis the Season to be Jolly
Silent Night
We Three Kings of Orient are
Down in Yon Forest
The Friendly Beasts
Good King Wenceslas
The Holly and the Ivy
i Wonder as i Wander
O’ Holy Night
Rockin Robin
O’ Christmas Tree
suggested output: daily (clASS) Instagram / book / zine
Additional activity ideas:
Run a Christmas Treasure Hunt: Find and photograph a ‘present’ every day for 12 days. Who is it for?
Pinhole Christmas: Make a Pinhole Camera: Expose the scene for 12 days
tis the season to be jolly: 6 Christmas Themed Photographic activities
Geert Van Kesteren (2004) from Why? Mister, Why?
These adaptable Christmas themed activities introduce participants to a range of quick and easy ways of engaging with photographic processes and also producing Christmas cards and decorations.
Using a semiotic apporoach, older participants could also be encouraged to reflect on the representation and advertising of Christmas and (potentially) different readings of these.
*These activities could also be adapted for Easter, Halloween etc.
Coca Cola (1931)
1: The 12 days of Christmas: adaptable
Holy Night (C-Type)
Silent Night (C-Type)
Good King Wenceslas (Black & White)
O’ Christmas Tree (Lumen Print)
We (8) Kings of Orient Are (Cross-Processed C Type)
Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer (Photogram)
Do You Hear What I Hear? (Black & White)
The Friendly Beasts (Digital Polaroid)
Frozen December (i-Phone/Hipstagram)
The Holly and the ivy (Digital)
Rockin’ Robin (Photocopy)
I Wonder as I Wander (Digital)
Session overview:
Every day – for 12 days – participants will photograph an object / create a scene which they feel relates to a Christmas heading / captiion / song etc.
These should be provided in advance (with dates) and participants should concentrate on one ‘caption / quote’ for each day.
These can be mixed up amongst a class group / more than one participant can work on the daily ‘caption’ at one time.
Participants should independently research the work of Lee Friedlander – Merry Christmas from Lee Friedlander (2011) at the Janet Borden Gallery, NYC.
Upload daily to Instagram / Twitter / social media platform
some Example Christmas captions to work from:
All I Want for Christmas
Tis the Season to be Jolly
Silent Night
We Three Kings of Orient are
Down in Yon Forest
The Friendly Beasts
Good King Wenceslas
The Holly and the Ivy
i Wonder as i Wander
O’ Holy Night
Rockin Robin
O’ Christmas Tree
suggested output: daily (clASS) Instagram
Additional activity ideas:
Run a Christmas Treasure Hunt: Find and photograph a ‘present’ every day for 12 days. Who is it for?
Pinhole Christmas: Make a Pinhole Camera: Expose the scene for 12 days
Advertising forms a system of meaning… The viewer sees all advertisements as one, or rather sees their rules as applicable to one another and thus part of an interchangeable system’ (Williamson, 1978, p.13)
2: twas the night before chrstmas: Light-writing
Merry Christmas (in Cornish)
Session overview:
Participants will ‘light write’ / trace a portrait / object / scene / message which they feel relates to Christmas
Practice Light Writing techniques
Identify participants choice of approach / subject / message
In small groups participants help each other produce thier image
Print and make into Christmas cards (using A4 folded card)
suggested output: christmas cards
Light Written Christmas Tree / Portrait
Additional activity ideas:
The Travels of Rudolph: Using Google Maps identify locations and make light writing pictures of the best present he is dropping off at this location. Why?
Class / Family Message: With one letter per ‘model’ each traces out the letter of the message (e.g. Merry Christmas will need 14 ‘models’ and a photographer) *this can also be done with 1 ‘model’ and stitched together using Photoshop or as a multiple exposure.
‘By the word reading we mean not only the capacity to identify and decode a certain number of signs, but also the subjective capacity to put them into a creative relation between themselves and with other signs’ (Hall, 1999, p.514)
3: Rockin’ Robin: Photograms
Photogram / Lumen print / Scan / Photocopy
Photogram / Lumen print / Scan / Photocopy
Photogram / Lumen print / Scan / Photocopy
Photogram / Lumen print / Scan / Photocopy
session overview:
Participants will brainstorm and list typical Christmas scenes and objects *use Christmas cards etc for ideas
Identify objects that could be ‘transformed’ into the scene though drawing / painting / placing cut outs on the image *Image manipulation software would also work here
Print to size and make into small Christmas decorations (using cardboard / wood slices / cup coasters and string)
suggested output: Chrismas decorations
Christmas Tree (Photogram – with awl pierced card for lights / dogded ‘moonlight’)
Additional activity ideas:
A Christmas Scene: Using christmas cards, cut out the shapes of different objects and make a ‘new’ photogram / lumen Christmas story
Pinhole Christmas: Make a Pinhole camera. Use the resulting images to think of Christmas scenes you could ‘make’ from them by painting / drawing on them.
‘There is one lesson we can learn from photographs: images exist not to be believed, but to be interrogated’ (Grundberg, 1999, p.273)
4: Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer (and friends): typologies
Black and White Lumen Print (with card stencil & rosemary antlers)
session overview:
Participants will brainstorm and list small ‘typical’ Christmas objects *use Christmas cards / adverts etc for ideas / a single object could be photographed in different ways
Collect the objects
Photograph them as neutrally as possible (using a piece black velvet as a backdrop or curved A1 card as an ‘infinity curve’)
Print and stick onto card. Make your accordian fold out card (of at least 3 of the objects)
suggested output: christmas accordian card
Additional activity ideas:
Christmas Nativity: Find Christmas themed minature models and objects. make a story / nativity and photograph it. What is its story?
Christmas Object: Give each participant / group one ‘Christmas’ object. What else could it be used for?
Photogram Print (with card stencil & awl holes made for lights)
‘Messages are socially produced in particular circumstances and made culturally available as shared explanations of how the world works. In other words, they are ‘ideologies’, explanatory systems of belief’ (Goodwin & Whannel, 2005, p.60)
5: O’ Christmas tree, O’ Christmas tree, how faithful are thy branches: Collage
Diane Arbus (1963) Xmas tree in Living Room, Levittown L.I.
session overview:
Participants will find / take a straight photograph of a ‘typical’ Christmas scene *this could be a constructed family portrait
Shoot the scene in parts / use Photoshop or a photocopier to enlarge different aspects / areas of the scene
Collage these photographs together into a grid or joiner *Scale is an important consideration here
Re-photograph and print
Diane Arbus (1963) Xmas tree in Living Room, Levittown L.I. (as collage)
suggested output: christmas print
Additional activity ideas:
Dual Christmas: Find a photograph / image of a typical Christmas scene / object and take a photograph to make the ‘another half of the scene’ *This could be expanded to consider scale and additional collage in creating the ‘scene’
Merry Christmas from Me: Make a collage of a Christmas scene using found photographs / Christmas cards / objects / or draw a scene on the ground. Using yourself (either photograph yourself or use your shadow etc) position yourself ‘into’ the scene.
‘Advertisments present an abstract world, often a fantastic one, that is situated not in the present, but in an imagined future’ (Sturken & Cartwright, 2009, p.265)
6: The wisemen saw (or did they?): digital / stop motion / moving image
A (Moving) Merry Christmas: Make a stop motion GIF (telling a story through multiple photographs of objects / quick succession photographs of a narrative). Some instructions on making GIF’s in Photoshop can be found here
Once Upon a Time (at Christmas); Devise a Christmas story / use christmas carol lyrics and illustrate this narrative in 6 photographs (individually or as a group) to create a narrative. Make a handmade book and add text.
‘The most significant indexical power of the photograph may not lie in the relation between the photograph and it’s subject, but in the relation between the photograph and it’s beholder, or user’. (Olin, 2002, p.114)