for full session see: All I want for Christmas…

session overview:
- Participants will find / take a straight photograph of a ‘typical’ Christmas scene *this could be a constructed family portrait
- Shoot the scene in parts / use Photoshop or a photocopier to enlarge different aspects / areas of the scene
- Collage these photographs together into a grid or joiner *Scale is an important consideration here
- Re-photograph and print
suggested output: christmas print

Bottle and Fishes
Additional activity ideas:
- Dual Christmas: Find a photograph / image of a typical Christmas scene / object and take a photograph to make the ‘another half of the scene’ *This could be expanded to consider scale and additional collage in creating the ‘scene’
- Merry Christmas from Me: Make a collage of a Christmas scene using found photographs / Christmas cards / objects / or draw a scene on the ground. Using yourself (either photograph yourself or use your shadow etc) position yourself ‘into’ the scene.