Project title: Digital Choi Hung: A game-based interactive online archive adopting transmedia storytelling to examine city redevelopment, cultural identity, and cultural memories. |
Location: Hong Kong, Canada, United Kingdom |
Date(s): 2023-2024 (Phase 1) |
Permanent Project Contact: FAL_digitalchoihung[at] |
Supervisors: Dr. Kate Fahey (Study Block 2), Charlie Duck (Study Block 3) |
(Leggo, 2008)
Artist Statement_
Contextual Statement_
Research Questions_
About Choi Hung Estate_
Transmedia Storytelling, Cultural Identity, Cultural Memory, Poetic Inquiry, Autoethnography, Reflexive Practice, Archival Practice, Interactive Art, Game-based Design, City Redevelopment, Public Housing, Choi Hung Estate, Hong Kong, Community-based Arts Education
Creative Output
Digital Choi Hung: Pilot Research Highlights

Download PDF Booklet:
Game-based Archive
Reflexive Visual Poem / Tool