Using this Site

These videos form a short course teaching you the best way to use this particular Journal class site. It is really simple to use but there are some specific steps to take when creating content to be displayed. The two most important things to remember are that you will be creating Project Pages and that you will need to put them in categories.

We recommend watching the videos through once at the beginning of your module/course, and then referring back to them when you want to complete specific tasks. The videos are hosted on Microsoft Stream so you may be prompted to log in to view them.

If you’ve got any questions about how you should be using your Journal, the academic staff on your module will be able to guide you. If you have any technical issues that your academics are unable to answer, please email

1. Introduction to Journal (0:57)
2. Logging in and navigating Journal (2:06)
3. Open Studios Intro (11:04)
4. Using the text and content editor (4:13)
5. Adding images (2:33)
6. Embedding external content (1:57)
7. Scrapbooking using Journal (8.22)